Una Revolución
Una Revolución
22.09 -22.10.2017
Tr3spuertas cultural and artistic space• art exhibitions and interventions
• concerts • films • dance • photography • poetry • art residencies• workshops
• courses• cultural/language exchange • Avenida de Andalucia 73 • 23740 Torre del Mar
• España www.tr3spuertas.org
Una Revolución is the collective title of a series of exhibitions going through one year.
Four artists, two from the utmost North and two from the utmost South of Europe, meet
within this flexible concept; Maria Koolen Hellmin and Frans Koolen, Stockholm, Sweden
and Alberto Tarcisio and Javier Rueda, Torre del Mar, Spain.
Una Revolución program 2017-2018
22.09 - 22.10.2017 Maria Koolen Hellmin 22.12. 2017 - 20.01.2018 Alberto Tarsicio 23.03 -
20.04.2018 Frans Koolen 22.06 - 20.07. 2018 Javier Rueda